The Great Yellow River II- Sojiro


1. The Great Journey (黄河紀行) ‘3:26
2. Spiritual People (異境の民) ‘4:32
3. Buddha Road (仏陀道) ‘3:42
4. The Huang He Civilization  (黄河文明賛歌) ‘2:53
5. Requiem (惜別詩) ‘2:53
6. The Great Yellow River – Andante (大黄河) ‘3:02
7. Dancing Dragon (水舞竜) ‘4:57
8. Reminiscence ( 栄華回顧録) ‘3:15
9. Sunny Stream (日向流水) ‘2:44
10. The Bo Hai (遙かなる渤海)’6:04
Release Date Jan 31, 2005
(Japanese remastered reissue of 1986 soundtrack)