Syndrome: The Ubuntu 10.04 laking F4–save graphic mode, thus when booting from live-CD, no GUI appears (but the control+alter+F3 works to switch to terminal mode)
Computer: ASUS K50IN with nVidia G102M
My solution:
1. Download alternate CD and install it into laptop (comparing to normal CD, it took longer to install, I did not know why!!).
2. After installating and rebooting (now GUI), switch to terminal mode (e.g. control + alter + F4)
3. Install drivers: sudo apt-get install nvidia-185* and then I can can the screen at 800*600 (low resolution)
note: when I used 9.10, I found the proprietary driver is nvidia-185, that’s why I suggestion this.
4. Install one more driver: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-185 and then the screen should be at correct resolution.
I am not an advanced user of ubuntu, but the above way did work to solve this trouble. If you cannot solve it, my not-smart suggestion is: sudo apt-get install nvidia-* (to install all nvidia drivers)
As some bug reports, the xserver-xorg-video-nouveau did not work for this laptop. Some other suggestions from webs, like to install nvidia driver 190.42. Actually, I could not find this version of driver even I followed the instructions to add PPA to source list.

เพิ่มเติม- ใช้ Ubuntu 9.10 สามารถใช้ใน VGA Mode ปกติได้