INKEY( ) Function
about 3 minutes to read
Visual FoxPro 9.0 SP2 |
INKEY( ) Function |
See Also |
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Returns a number corresponding to the first mouse click or key press in the type-ahead buffer.
INKEY([nSeconds] [, cHideCursor]) |
- nSeconds
- Specifies the number of seconds to wait for a keystroke. If you do not specify a value for nSeconds, INKEY( ) returns a value for a keystroke immediately. If nSeconds is 0, INKEY( ) waits indefinitely for a keystroke.
- cHideCursor
- Shows or hides the cursor, or checks for a mouse click.
The following table lists values for cHideCursor.
cHideCursor Description S Show cursor. H Hide cursor. M Check for a mouse click. E Expand the keyboard macro if a keyboard macro is assigned to a key or key combination. To return successive values for each keystroke in a macro, execute INKEY( ) repeatedly with E included. Note
If both S and H are included in cHideCursor, the latter character specified takes precedence. You can combine values for cHideCursor, for example, to check for a mouse click and show the cursor, include M and S. To check for a mouse click and hide the cursor, include H and M. INKEY( ) disregards characters other than S, H, M, and E in cHideCursor.
Return Value
Numeric. INKEY( ) returns 0 if a key has not been pressed. If several keys are present in the type-ahead buffer, INKEY( ) returns the value of the first key entered in the buffer. INKEY( ) also returns the following values according to certain conditions:
- If M is included for cHideCursor, INKEY( ) returns the value 151.
- If E is included, INKEY( ) returns a value corresponding to the first keystroke assigned to the keyboard macro. If you omit E, INKEY( ) returns the value for the key or key combination that triggers the keyboard macro.
- For single keys and key combinations using the SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT keys, the following table lists the return values for INKEY( ). A dash (–) indicates that the key combination returns no value.
Key Alone SHIFT CTRL ALT F1 28 84 94 104 F2 –1 85 95 105 F3 –2 86 96 106 F4 –3 87 97 107 F5 –4 88 98 108 F6 –5 89 99 109 F7 –6 90 100 110 F8 –7 91 101 111 F9 –8 92 102 112 F10 –9 93 103 113 F11 133 135 137 139 F12 134 136 138 140 1 49 33 – 120 2 50 64 – 121 3 51 35 – 122 4 52 36 – 123 5 53 37 – 124 6 54 94 – 125 7 55 38 – 126 8 56 42 – 127 9 57 40 – 128 0 48 41 – 19 a 97 65 1 30 b 98 66 2 48 c 99 67 3 46 d 100 68 4 32 e 101 69 5 18 f 102 70 6 33 g 103 71 7 34 h 104 72 127 35 I 105 73 9 23 j 106 74 10 36 k 107 75 11 37 l 108 76 12 38 m 109 77 13 50 n 110 78 14 49 o 111 79 15 24 p 112 80 16 25 q 113 81 17 16 r 114 82 18 19 s 115 83 19 31 t 116 84 20 20 u 117 85 21 22 v 118 86 22 47 w 119 87 23 17 x 120 88 24 45 y 121 89 25 21 z 122 90 26 44 INS 22 22 146 162 HOME 1 55 29 151 DEL 7 7 147 163 END 6 49 23 159 PAGE UP 18 57 31 153 PAGE DOWN 3 51 30 161 UP ARROW 5 56 141 152 DOWN ARROW 24 50 145 160 RIGHT ARROW 4 54 2 157 LEFT ARROW 19 52 26 155 ESC 27 –/27 –*/27 –*/1 ENTER 13 13 10 –/166 BACKSPACE 127 127 127 14 TAB 9 15 148/* * SPACEBAR 32 32 32/– 57 ` or ~ 96 126 41 – or _ 45 95 = or + 61 43 13 [ or { 91 123 27 26 ] or } 93 125 29 27 \ or | 92 124 28 43 ; or : 59 58 39 ‘ or “ 39 34 40 , or < 44 60 51 . or > 46 62 52 / or ? 47 63 53 * Keystroke reserved by Windows.
See Also
_DBLCLICK System Variable
KeyPress Event
LASTKEY( ) Function
Other Resources